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ASEAN: Harmonizing Labor Standards for Global Integration
UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal
  • Ronald C. Brown, University of Hawaii Law School
Keywords [Optional]
  • ASEAN,
  • Free Trade Agreements,
  • social dimension labor protections,
  • TPP,
  • TTIP,
  • RCEP,
  • ILO Labor Standards
ABSTRACT Professor Ron Brown University of Hawai‘i Law School LLRN Conference Amsterdam Track 3: Friday June 26 16:45-18:15 ©June 26, 2015 ASEAN: Harmonizing Labor Standards for Global Integration ASEAN is an emerging entity which has the potential to be one of the largest economies and markets in the world. If ASEAN were one economy, it would be seventh largest in the world with a combined gross domestic product (GDP) of $2.4 trillion in 2013, the fourth largest by 2050 if growth trends continue; with its over 600 million people, and with a potential market larger than the European Union or North America, next to the People's Republic of China and India; Examining the ASEAN goal of becoming a region fully integrated into the global economy, this paper looks at what steps have already been taken by ASEAN and its member states to integrate into the global community through ratification of ILO labor standards, participation in Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with social dimension provisions on labor, including TPP, RCEP, P-4, FTAAP, and domestic implementation of international labor standards. In search of a platform for harmonizing the labor policies and laws of ASEAN members in coordination with international labor standards, this paper will examine the guiding documents of ASEAN, its commitments to ILO labor standards, and its progress on its expressed goals to achieve higher labor standards within ASEAN. Also discussed are possible models for harmonization and steps to be taken toward nurturing the development of the currently divergent labor laws in ASEAN.
Citation Information
Ronald C. Brown. "ASEAN: Harmonizing Labor Standards for Global Integration"
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