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The Impact of Meaningful High School Computer Science Experiences in the Chicago Public Schools
Proceedings of 2015 Research in Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT)
  • Lucia Dettori, DePaul University
  • Ronald I. Greenberg, Loyola University Chicago
  • Steven McGee, The Learning Partnership
  • Dale Reed, University of Illinois at Chicago
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We report on initial outcomes of the Taste of Computing project, under which a meaningful computer science course has been initiated in many high schools of the Chicago Public Schools system. Surveys of students have shown that they attribute high value to the course and have experienced increases in their understanding and interest regarding the computing field. Data was also collected from teachers participating in professional development regarding their preparation and confidence in teaching the new course. We report on the strengths of various survey responses and their relationships, and we compare student responses by race and gender. The data provide a good basis for exploring the impact of meaningful computer science instruction on students from groups underrepresented in computing; of several hundred students surveyed, nearly half were female, and over half were Hispanic or African-American.


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Citation Information
Lucia Dettori, Ronald I. Greenberg, Steven McGee, and Dale Reed. The impact of meaningful high school computer science experiences in the Chicago Public Schools. In Proceedings of 2015 Research in Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT), August 2015.