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A simple procedure for determining the aqueous half-lives of pyrrolic metabolites of pyrrolizidine alkaloids
Toxicon (1996)
  • R. A. Cooper, Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, University of Arizona
  • R. J. Huxtable, Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, University of Arizona
We report a simple and rapid procedure for estimating the aqueous half-lives of the reactive metabolites of pyrrolizidine alkaloids that are responsible for toxicity. The metabolites (dehydroalkaloids; DHAs) were rapidly added to a 0.5 mM HEPES solution, pH 8.0. The subsequent fall in pH, due to ester hydrolysis, was followed potentiometrically. The change in pH was well described by single-component exponential decay, allowing the derivation of rate constants and half-lives of hydrolysis. Half-lives varied from 0.31 sec for dehydro-7-acetyllycopsamine to 5.36 sec for dehydrotrichodesmine. The results support the view that alkaloids whose DHA metabolites have longer half-lives produce greater extrahepatic toxicity.
Publication Date
May, 1996
Citation Information
R. A. Cooper and R. J. Huxtable. "A simple procedure for determining the aqueous half-lives of pyrrolic metabolites of pyrrolizidine alkaloids" Toxicon Vol. 34 Iss. 5 (1996) p. 604 - 607 ISSN: 0041-0101
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