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Unpublished Paper
A Control Basis for Learning Multifingered Grasps
Journal of Robot Systems (1997)
  • Jefferson A. Coelho, Jr.
  • Roderic Grupen, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
In this paper, we introduce a robust controller that uses contact position and normal feedback to generate contact configurations for statically stable grasps. The approach uses a context sensitive composition of two controllers that minimize force and moment residuals in the grasp configuration. We show that equilibria in the composite controller correspond to optimal contact configurations for 2 and 3 contacts on regular, convex polygons. The preimage is used to generalize the controller to arbitrary object geometries by learning a policy for compensation and to address object recognition, and contact (de)allocation.
Publication Date
October 24, 1997
Preprint harvested from Citeseer. Publisher's version is located at:;2-N/abstract DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4563(199707)14:7<545::AID-ROB3>3.0.CO;2-N
Citation Information
Jefferson A. Coelho and Roderic Grupen. "A Control Basis for Learning Multifingered Grasps" Journal of Robot Systems (1997)
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