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How to Enhance Qualitative Research Appraisal: Development of the Methodological Congruence Instrument
The Qualitative Report
  • Annette M Willgens, Daemen College
  • Robin Cooper, Nova Southeastern University
  • Doles Jadotte, Nova Southeastern University
  • Bruce Lilyea, Nova Southeastern University
  • Cynthia L Langtiw, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
  • Alice Obenchain-Leeson, Averett University

In this research report, we introduce a methodological congruence instrument (MCI) that addresses the five major qualitative research traditions. Methodological congruence is a "fit" between the researcher's chosen methodology and his/her philosophical perspective. The chosen methodology should be aligned with the research question, data collection and sampling procedures, philosophical perspectives and seminal authors, data analysis, and findings. These elements are contained in the MCI. We share information about its inception, development, and application, and invite our research colleagues to offer critical feedback. It is our hope that qualitative researchers, editorial board members, teachers, and students find this instrument helpful and relevant to the application of qualitative research. As the qualitative research community continues to address questions of quality, the MCI may offer an additional layer of transparency that engenders scholarly discussion and furthers ethical writing, production, and publication.

  • Qualitative Research,
  • Methodology,
  • Congruence,
  • Instrument
Author Bio(s)

Annette Willgens is Director of Clinical Education and Associate Clinical Professor at Drexel University, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences. She has certifications in teaching Mindfulness, Yoga, and Pediatric Physical Therapy. She has published works connecting the theory of mindfulness to physical therapy practice, stress management, and self-care for practitioners and students. She serves as editor of The Qualitative Report. Correspondence regarding this article can be addressed directly to:

Robin Cooper is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies at Nova Southeastern University, where she also teaches in the Qualitative Research Graduate Program. She has published and taught in such areas as identity-based conflict, diversity, collaborative practices in organizational contexts, and qualitative research. She co-edited Peace and Conflict Studies Research: A Qualitative Perspective with L. Finley in 2014 (Information Age Publishing) and serves as a Senior Editor for The Qualitative Report. Correspondence regarding this article can also be addressed directly to:

Doles Jadotte is a Part Time Faculty/Dissertation Mentor at Capella University, Department of Psychology, Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. He has a Graduate Certificate in Qualitative Research and is a State of Florida Certified Sexual Assault Victim Advocate. He also serves as an Editor for The Qualitative Report. His research interests include sexual violence, gender ideology, social policy, immigrants and refugees, human rights, and international peace and conflict. Correspondence regarding this article can also be addressed directly to:

Bruce Lilyea has extensive experience in governmental, entrepreneurial, and corporate business and is currently employed as a training manager for a Fortune 100 company and as an adjunct professor of business at Southeastern University. He has a Ph.D. in Conflict Analysis and Resolution with a concentration in organizational conflict and an MBA from Nova Southeastern University. Correspondence regarding this article can also be addressed directly to:

Dr. Cynthia Lubin Langtiw is a licensed clinical psychologist and associate professor of clinical psychology at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Dr. Langtiw is also a volunteer psychologist and clinical supervisor with The Marjorie Kovler Center for Survivors of Torture. Her clinical work reflects a strong systemic/community sensibility that integrates a relational cultural perspective. Dr. Langtiw’s research interests include spirituality and religion diversity, multicultural competence, migration and immigration and (Haitian/American) identity development. Correspondence regarding this article can also be addressed directly

Alice Obenchain Leeson is Dean of Academics and Professor of Business Administration in the Graduate and Professional Studies Program at Averett University. Research interests include organizational culture and innovation, perceived value, and teaching methodologies. She has published in the Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, the Journal of Christian Higher Education and the Liberty Business Review. She is completing her final coursework in the Qualitative Research Certificate Program at Nova Southeastern University and serves as an editor for The Qualitative Report. Correspondence regarding this article can also be addressed directly to:

We are grateful to have had Professor Cooper teach our appraisal course with such high quality. Thank you for supporting and nurturing this inquiry so intentionally.
Publication Date
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Citation Information
Annette M Willgens, Robin Cooper, Doles Jadotte, Bruce Lilyea, et al.. "How to Enhance Qualitative Research Appraisal: Development of the Methodological Congruence Instrument" (2016) p. 2380 - 2395
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