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A practical approach to building web sites in the classroom
National social sciences perspectives journal (2006)
  • William H. Robertson, The University of Texas at El Paso

The five-phased process for building Web sites in the classroom may be useful in helping educators facilitate the process of integrating computer technology and the Internet into instruction and curriculum design. The method described is a synthesis of a personal process of discovery, teaching, and learning that has come from practical experience with teachers and students. To effectively utilize this five-phased approach, the instructor must ascertain the final goal, whether it is a curriculum product, Web site, oral presentation, or some other form of demonstration of learning. The identified phases are a set of guiding principles that at any time may be revisited depending on the progress of the teaching and learning. In this approach, the instructor truly facilitates the learning process, no longer standing in the front of the room as the expert, but working alongside each learner to assist them in learning moments that are meaningful and timely in their delivery.

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Citation Information
William H. Robertson. "A practical approach to building web sites in the classroom" National social sciences perspectives journal Vol. 32 Iss. 1 (2006)
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