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Mexican and U.S. Library Relations
Advances in Librarianship
  • Robert A. Seal, Loyola University Chicago
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This paper examines recent library interactions involving the United States and Mexico, providing a review of the literature and commentary on current and potential future cooperative endeavors. However, due to space considerations and a dearth of literature describing early work, the focus is limited to the past 30 years, with only selected references to earlier activity. The potential impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), recent developments in telecommunications and computer technology, and a rising number of "grass roots" binational conferences and projects all make this a good time to review our relationship, librarywise, with our neighbors to the south.

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Citation Information
Seal, Robert A. “Mexican and U.S. Library Relations.” Advances in Librarianship 20, no. 1 (1996): 69-121.