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A Scientific Approach to Scientific Evidence: A Four-Stage Rule for Admissibility and Scope
Utilizing Forensic Science in Criminal Cases, 2014 Ed. (2014)
  • Robert M. Sanger

Scientific or expert testimony is often critical in criminal cases. The Supreme Court has established that the trial judge is the "gatekeeper" who is to determine what evidence is allowed before the jury. The current rules of evidence are not organized in a way that makes this task readily intelligible. This chapter proposes a more direct our-step process to accomplish the gatekeeping function.

  • Science and the Law,
  • Evidence,
  • Scientific Evidence
Publication Date
Westlaw: 2013 WL 5757941
Thomson Reuters/Aspatore
13: 9780314291165
Publisher Statement
Accessible on Westlaw at 2013 WL 5757941
Citation Information
Robert M. Sanger. "A Scientific Approach to Scientific Evidence: A Four-Stage Rule for Admissibility and Scope" Utilizing Forensic Science in Criminal Cases, 2014 Ed. (2014)
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