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The National Academy of Sciences and Juvenile Justice
The Santa Barbara Lawyer Magazine (2013)
  • Robert M. Sanger

In March of 1863, during the height of the Civil War in the United States, President Abraham Lincoln founded the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). This spring, the NAS celebrated its 150th anniversary. President Barack Obama gave a speech praising the history of the organization and noting its many achievements. The NAS brings together the finest scientific minds to assist the government on scientific matters from the military, to the space program, to education, to medicine, to global warming, to industrial science, to engineering, to cybersecurity.

The National Academy of Sciences also assists the Federal Judicial Center and the Administrative Office of the Courts in understanding and applying scientific principles. In prior Criminal Justice columns we have discussed the Report of the National Academy on Forensic Sciences issued in 2009 and the Third Edition of the Manual on Scientific Evidence issued in 2011. The National Academy has now issued a report on Reforming Juvenile Justice: A Developmental Approach. We will conduct an overview of this scientific study and the implications for a more evidence-based approach to dealing with juvenile justice.

  • Juvenile justice,
  • scientific studies
Publication Date
June, 2013
Citation Information
Robert M. Sanger. "The National Academy of Sciences and Juvenile Justice" The Santa Barbara Lawyer Magazine Iss. 489 (2013)
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