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The Hallmark of a Champion—or Not
Santa Barbara Lawyer Magazine (2015)
  • Robert M. Sanger

Two decisions that just came down, one from the United States Supreme Court and the other from the California Supreme Court. The former is Hall v. Florida and the latter is In re Champion on Habeas Corpus. The Hall and Champion cases, although they do not cite each other, both discuss significant issues with regard to who is eligible for execution under the Atkins decision.

Hall and Champion perpetuate the myth that capital punishment can be imposed accurately and consistently. Additionally, both cases contain serious errors in interpreting science while suggesting that life and death decisions can be based on science. Hall and Champion stand less for jurisprudential principles than they do as hallmarks for the futility of trying to rationally decide who lives and who dies under capital punishment.

  • Death Penalty,
  • Evidence,
  • ethnic adjustments,
  • IQ
Publication Date
July, 2015
Citation Information
Robert M. Sanger. "The Hallmark of a Champion—or Not" Santa Barbara Lawyer Magazine Iss. 502 (2015)
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