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Specialization in Law and Business: a Proposal for a J.D./"MBL" Curriculum
Faculty Scholarship
  • Robert J. Rhee, University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
Document Type
Publication Date
  • legal education,
  • J.D./M.B.A.,
  • business training,
  • training,
  • law firm

This paper provides the specific details of how an interdisciplinary program of law and business can be structured in a three-year J.D. program. The program envisioned is a J.D./”M.B.L.”, which is distinguished from the better known J.D./M.B.A. The “M.B.L.” stands for “masters of business law,” which is simply an idea tag. The moniker can represent a program conferring a supplemental degree in law and business, or simply a specialized course of study to complete a J.D. Either way, the program is an interdisciplinary program of concentrated study in core transaction-oriented law courses and core business courses. The most effective education for corporate lawyers should be interdisciplinary, and that a good education should prepare a lawyer for alternative careers in business. Career flexibility created by legal education is more important than ever as lawyers enter a dynamic and uncertain marketplace.

Publication Citation
17 Chapman Law Review 37 (2013).
Citation Information
17 Chapman Law Review 37 (2013).