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A different kind of Black, But the same issues: Black males and counterstories at a predominantly White institution
Journal of Progressive Policy & Practice (2104)
  • Don C Sawyer III, PhD
  • Robert T. Palmer

Much has been written about Black men over the years and in different institutional contexts (e.g., community colleges, predominantly White institutions [PWIs], and historically Black colleges and universities). However, very little of this research has emphasized how the intersecting identities of Black men shape their experiences in higher education. To this end, this article draws from intersectionality and counternarratives, both of which has roots in critical race theory (CRT), to discuss how race, class, and gender informs the experiences of two Black males enrolled in a PWI. This article concludes with critical implications to help institutional leaders at PWIs be more intentional about creating a more supportive and inclusive campus climate for middle-class Black male students.

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Citation Information
Don C Sawyer III, PhD and Robert T. Palmer. "A different kind of Black, But the same issues: Black males and counterstories at a predominantly White institution" Journal of Progressive Policy & Practice Vol. 255 Iss. 272 (2104)
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