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The impact of social capital on the access, adjustment, and success of Southeast Asian American college students.
Journal of College Student Development (2015)
  • Robert T. Palmer, PhD
  • Dina C Maramba, PhD

Given that Southeast Asian American (SEAA) students are severely underrepresented in higher education and less likely to persistence to graduation compared to other ethnic groups in the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, this study explored critical factors to their college success. Indeed, several themes emerged from this national sample of 34 participants from five public, four year colleges and universities. In this present article, we discuss one of the salient themes—the role of social capital as facilitators of college access and success. This article concludes with implications for research and practice.

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Citation Information
Robert T. Palmer, PhD and Dina C Maramba, PhD. "The impact of social capital on the access, adjustment, and success of Southeast Asian American college students." Journal of College Student Development Vol. 56 Iss. 1 (2015)
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