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The impact of cultural validation on the college experiences of Southeast Asian American students.
Journal of College Student Development (2014)
  • Dina C Maramba, PhD
  • Robert T. Palmer, PhD

The purpose of this study is to explore the critical role of culture on the success of Southeast Asian American (SEAA) college students. Specifically, we examined the saliency of cultural validation and how it shaped the educational trajectories of SEAAs. A national sample of 34 participants was analyzed across 5 public, 4-year colleges and universities. Findings suggest the need for (a) cultural knowledge, (b) cultural familiarity, (c) cultural expression, and (d) cultural advocacy. In addition, the low number of SEAA students on their respective campuses heavily influenced their college experience. Implications for research and practice are discussed.

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Citation Information
Dina C Maramba, PhD and Robert T. Palmer, PhD. "The impact of cultural validation on the college experiences of Southeast Asian American students." Journal of College Student Development (2014)
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