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Ocena oddziaływania na środowisko na przykładzie zabudowy pieca indukcyjnego w "KRAKODLEW" S.A.
II Międzynarodowa Konferencja "Nowoczesne technologie odlewnicze - ochrona środowiska". Wydział Odlewnictwa Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej, Stowarzyszenie Techniczne Odlewników Polskich - Oddział Kraków, 3-5.09.1997, pp. 166-171 (1997)
  • Marian Mazur
  • Marek Bogacki
  • Robert Oleniacz

The paper presents the procedure and the results of the environmental impact assessment for the induction furnace installed in the company "Krakodlew" S.A. in Krakow (Poland). This furnace will allow heating and keeping the liquid feed (pig iron) and adjust the chemical composition, which will allow for the production of high-quality heavy castings. The need to perform an environmental impact assessment for objects of this type results from the binding legal regulations in Poland. The analysis included all the main components of the environment: air, soil, vegetation, soil and water environment, land surface and acoustic climate. It was found that the construction and operation of the induction furnace will have a negligible effect on the increase in environmental pollution (low pollutant emissions, reducing significant noise impact to the borders of of the plant and well resolved waste management). Attention was also drawn to the fact that use of this furnace can bring in certain conditions the reduction of impact of the company "Krakodlew" S.A. on environment.

English title: Environmental impact assessment - a case study of the induction furnace built in "Krakodlew" S.A.

  • metallurgical industry,
  • foundry,
  • metal casting,
  • induction furnace,
  • environmental impact assessment,
  • environmental pollution
Publication Date
September 3, 1997
Citation Information
Marian Mazur, Marek Bogacki and Robert Oleniacz. "Ocena oddziaływania na środowisko na przykładzie zabudowy pieca indukcyjnego w "KRAKODLEW" S.A." II Międzynarodowa Konferencja "Nowoczesne technologie odlewnicze - ochrona środowiska". Wydział Odlewnictwa Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej, Stowarzyszenie Techniczne Odlewników Polskich - Oddział Kraków, 3-5.09.1997, pp. 166-171 (1997)
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