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Przebieg zmienności stężeń wybranych zanieczyszczeń w gazach odlotowych z procesu mokrego gaszenia koksu
Inżynieria Środowiska (2002)
  • Marian Mazur
  • Robert Oleniacz
  • Marek Bogacki

Continuous measurement results of selected constituent concentrations in the gases emitted to the air during the coke wet quenching process were presented and discussed in the paper. The measurements were carried out for the standard wet quenching tower. The research covered such substances as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide and a total content of hydrocarbons and hydrogen (combustible gases). Changeability of the substance concentrations depending of the quenching process duration was analyzed. Among other things the beginning of these substances formation, appearance of the maximum and the range of observed concentrations were taken into consideration. Main reactions reactions occurring in the process and mechanisms of the flue gas component formations were presented as well.

English title: Changeability of selected pollutant concentrations in flue gases from the coke wet quenching process.

  • coke industry,
  • coking plant,
  • coke wet quenching,
  • quenching tower,
  • air pollutants,
  • gas constituent concentrations,
  • stack emissions
Publication Date
December 31, 2002
Citation Information
Marian Mazur, Robert Oleniacz and Marek Bogacki. "Przebieg zmienności stężeń wybranych zanieczyszczeń w gazach odlotowych z procesu mokrego gaszenia koksu" Inżynieria Środowiska Vol. 7 Iss. 2 (2002)
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