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Wpływ komponentów alkalicznych w procesach spiekania i wielkopiecowym na technologię i emisję zanieczyszczeń
XVI Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna Huty Katowice S.A. “Postęp techniczny i technologiczny w okresie 20-lecia Huty Katowice oraz zamierzenia rozwojowe do 2001 roku”, pp. 74-86 (1996)
  • Marian Mazur
  • Ryszard Benesch
  • Andrzej Łędzki
  • Robert Oleniacz

The paper presents the impact of alkali metals on sintering and blast furnace processes and air pollutant emissions including particulate matter. On the basis of the balance calculations, it was found that the main source of alkali (Na2O and K2O) in the sintering process is a raw mixture unweathered. The calculations showed that the level of dust emissions from the sinter strand to a large extent depends on: the total alkali content in a mixture of sinter, ash content in coke breeze, K2O concentration in coke ash and alkalinity of the produced sinter. Alkali metals are introduced into the blast furnace in raw materials, which are in the form of silicates, oxides, carbonates and halides. They are the ingredients: gangue sinter, pellets and fluxes and coke ash. In the thermodynamic conditions of the blast furnace alkali can react with other compounds resulting in formation of cyanides. These compounds are entrained with blast furnace gas in the form of fine dust (KCN, NaCN) or gaseous pollutants (HCN).

English title: Influence of alkaline components in sintering and blast furnace processes on the technology and the emission of pollutants.

  • metallurgical industry,
  • sintering process,
  • blast furnace process,
  • blast furnace,
  • alkali metal compounds,
  • technological changes,
  • air pollutants,
  • stack emissions,
  • emission factors
Publication Date
November 1, 1996
Citation Information
Marian Mazur, Ryszard Benesch, Andrzej Łędzki and Robert Oleniacz. "Wpływ komponentów alkalicznych w procesach spiekania i wielkopiecowym na technologię i emisję zanieczyszczeń" XVI Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna Huty Katowice S.A. “Postęp techniczny i technologiczny w okresie 20-lecia Huty Katowice oraz zamierzenia rozwojowe do 2001 roku”, pp. 74-86 (1996)
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