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Unpublished Paper
Ropelength criticality
Geometry and Topology (2014)
  • Jason Cantarella
  • Joseph H.G. Fu
  • Robert B. Kusner, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • John M. Sullivan

The ropelength problem asks for the minimum-length configuration of a knotted diameter-one tube embedded in Euclidean three-space. The core curve of such a tube is called a tight knot, and its length is a knot invariant measuring complexity. In terms of the core curve, the thickness constraint has two parts: an upper bound on curvature and a self-contact condition.

We give a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for criticality with respect to this constraint, based on a version of the Kuhn–Tucker theorem that we established in previous work. The key technical difficulty is to compute the derivative of thickness under a smooth perturbation. This is accomplished by writing thickness as the minimum of a C 1 –compact family of smooth functions in order to apply a theorem of Clarke. We give a number of applications, including a classification of the “supercoiled helices” formed by critical curves with no self-contacts (constrained by curvature alone) and an explicit but surprisingly complicated description of the “clasp” junctions formed when one rope is pulled tight over another.

  • ropelength,
  • ideal knot,
  • tight knot,
  • constrained minimization,
  • Kuhn–Tucker theorem,
  • simple clasp,
  • Clarke gradient
Publication Date
December 8, 2014
Pre-published version downloaded from archive Published version located at
Citation Information
Jason Cantarella, Joseph H.G. Fu, Robert B. Kusner and John M. Sullivan. "Ropelength criticality" Geometry and Topology (2014)
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