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Unpublished Paper
Mass flux characteristics in solid 4He for T > 100 mK: Evidence for Bosonic Luttinger Liquid behavior
  • Ye. Vekhov, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Robert B. Hallock, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
At a pressure of ~25.7 bar, the flux F carried by solid 4_He for T > 100 mK depends on the net chemical potential difference between two reservoirs in series with the solid, ∆ u, and obeys F ~ (∆µ) b, where b ≈ 0.3 is independent of temperature. At fixed ∆µ the temperature dependence of the flux F can be adequately represented by F ~ - In(T/t), t ≈ 0.6 K, for 0.1 ≤ T ≤ 0.5 K. A single function F = F_0 (∆µ)b In(T/t) fits all of the available data sets in the range 25.6-25.8 bar reasonably well. We suggest that the mass flux in solid 4_He for T > 100 mK may have a Luttinger liquidlike behavior in this bosonic system.
Publication Date
July 27, 2012
Pre-published version downloaded from archive Published version located at
Citation Information
Ye. Vekhov and Robert B. Hallock. "Mass flux characteristics in solid 4He for T > 100 mK: Evidence for Bosonic Luttinger Liquid behavior" PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (2012)
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