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Multicomponent Behavioral Program for Achieving Weight Loss in Adult Mentally Retarded Persons
Mental Retardation
  • Anthony F. Rotatori, Northern Illinois University
  • Robert A. Fox, Marquette University
  • Harvey Switzky, Northern Illinois University
Document Type
Format of Original
3 p.
Publication Date
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental

Only minimal attention has been directed towards demonstrating the effectiveness of behavioral approaches to weight control with mentally retarded individuals (Foreyt & Parks, 1975; Foxx, 1972; Staugatis, 1978). The paucity of research in this area is unfortunate because the association between intelligence and obesity is high and negative (Krege, Zelina, Juhas & Garbara, 1947). The purpose of the present study was to assess whether a multicomponent behavioral weight reduction treatment program could produce and maintain weight loss overweight formerly institutionalized adult retarded individuals residing in a community-living facility.


Published version. Mental Retardation, Vol. 18 (February 1980): 31-33. Publisher Link.

From: Multicomponent Behavioral Program for Achieving Weight Loss in Adult Mentally Retarded Persons, Mental Retardation, 1980, 31-33, Rotatori, A., Fox, R., Switzky, H. © 1980 by the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Permission to include this journal material in Marquette University's digital repository was provided by the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities ( This material may only be used for educational and/or research purposes, and may not be reproduced in derivative works for commercial or revenue-generating purposes.

Robert A. Fox was affiliated with Western Illinois University at the time of publication.

Citation Information
Anthony F. Rotatori, Robert A. Fox and Harvey Switzky. "Multicomponent Behavioral Program for Achieving Weight Loss in Adult Mentally Retarded Persons" Mental Retardation (1980) ISSN: 0047-6765
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