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State Psychological Associations, Licensing Criteria, and the “Master’s Issue”
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
  • Robert H.I. Dale, Butler University
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The psychological associations in the 50 states and the District of Columbia were surveyed with regard to their membership structure and the status of master's-level members. Most (31) of these associations closely follow the membership criteria established by the American Psychological Association, allowing associate membership for master's-level personnel, whereas 15 associations provide full membership for such personnel. A minority (17) of the state psychology boards provide some form or licensing or certification for master's-level personnel, and 5 more states provide for registration of such personnel. It is argued that the structures of state psychological associations reflect a tension between two views of psychology: as a scientific discipline or as a profession. The scientific emphasis encourages associations to include all individuals interested in a field or scientific endeavor; the professional perspective motivates associations to exclude those ineligible to join a profession of sell-regulated, highly qualified, health service providers.


Copyright © 1988 American Psychological Association.

This is a post-print version of an article originally published in Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 1988, Volume 19, Issue 6.

. The version of record is available through: American Psychology Association.

"This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the APA journal. It is not the copy of record."

Citation Information
Dale RHI. (1988). Spatial memory in pigeons on a four-arm radial maze. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 19(6), 589-593. doi: 10.1037/0735-7028.19.6.589. Available from: