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History: The Birth of "America" in 1882
Journal of the Elephant Managers Association
  • Robert H.I. Dale, Butler University
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This article concerns a New York Times story about the birth of the female Asian elephant calf, named America, at the winter headquarters of the "Greatest Show on Earth" in Bridgeport, Connecticut on February 2, 1882. Phineas T. Barnum, one of the owners of the show, and one prone to self-aggrandizing bluster, claimed that America was the second elephant ever born in captivity. America was born only to months before the arrival in New York of the most famous circus elephant of all time, Jumbo, on Easter Sunday, 1882, and only two years before the origin of a small wagon circus run by the five Ringling (originally, Rüngeling) brothers from Baraboo Wisconsin.


This article was originally published in the Journal of the Elephant Managers Association, all rights reserved.

Citation Information
Dale RHI. (2008). History: The Birth of "America" in 1882. Journal of the Elephant Managers Association. 19(1), 26-29. Available from: