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Effects of Lineup Modality on Witness Credibility
Journal of Social Psychology
  • Hunter A. McAllister, Southeastern Louisiana University
  • Robert H.I. Dale, Butler University
  • Cynthia E. Keay, Southeastern Louisiana University
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Three experiments were conducted to explore the credibility of earwitness versus eyewitness testimony among American college students. Experiment 1 demonstrated that subjects were less likely to identify the perpetrator of a simulated crime in auditory lineups than in visual or auditory-visual lineups. In Experiment 2, subjects observed a videotaped witness from Experiment 1 make an identification. Contrary to actual accuracy data, subjects were as believing of the identifications made by auditory witnesses as they were of the identifications made by visual or auditory-visual witnesses. In Experiment 3, mock jurors in a simulated robbery trial believed auditory lineup identifications as much as they did visual or auditory-visual lineup identifications.


This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published in the Journal of Social Psychology in 1993, available online:

Citation Information
McAllister HA, Dale RHI, & Keay CE. (1993). Effects of Lineup Modality on Witness Credibility. Journal of Social Psychology. 133(3), 365-376. doi: 10.1080/00224545.1993.9712155. Available from: