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PR for Academic Libraries: Focus on the Faculty
AALL Spectrum
  • Robert H. Hu, St. Mary's University School of Law
Document Type
Publication Information

The faculty is the driving force of most law school libraries. Instituting a public relations campaign that caters to faculty needs will illustrate the fundamental importance of the library. A successful faculty-centric public relations strategy not only solidifies the library’s position within the law school, but also generates buzz and recognition among the university-wide community. In order to better assist academic libraries in establishing a successful public relations campaign, it is helpful to consider in depth some particular ideas for accommodating and incorporating the faculty. However, ultimately, the best public relations initiative will be tailored to the uniqueness of the individual libraries and specifically focused on the libraries’ key constituents.

Citation Information
Robert H. Hu, PR for Academic Libraries: Focus on the Faculty, 6 AALL Spectrum 28 (2002).