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Color Burst Regeneration
U.S. Pat. No. 4,719,505 (1988)
  • Ron D Katznelson

A system for regenerating a standard-length color burst signal from a less-than-standard-length color burst information signal of a given frequency and phase. The system includes a phase-locked loop for generating a system clock signal from the color burst information signal, with the clock signal having a clock frequency related to and at least twice the given frequency of the color burst information signal. The phase information from the color burst information signa is sampled and stored in a RAM. The sampling is clocked by the system clock signal. A standard-length color burst signal is regenerated at the given frequency and in phase with the color burst information signal by retrieving the stored phase information and extrapolating the standard-length signal in accordance with the retrieved phase information. Such retrieval is clocked by the system signal. The phase-locked loop is a digital phase-locked loop; and the color burst information signal is converted into a digital color burst information signal for processing by the phase-locked loop and for sampling and retrieval of the phase information. Upon retrieval and extrapolation of the phase information samples, the retrieved and extrapolated phase information samples are converted into an analog sample information signal, which is converted into a regenerated sinusoidal standard-length color burst signal by a low pass filter.

Publication Date
January 12, 1988
Citation Information
Ron D Katznelson. "Color Burst Regeneration" U.S. Pat. No. 4,719,505 (1988)
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