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Multichannel Television Signal Scrambling And Descrambling System And Method
U.S. Pat. No. 5,430,799 (1995)
  • Ron D Katznelson

A multichannel television access control system is disclosed wherein processing of the broadband signal is performed by gated coherent RF injection on a plurality of channels, thereby effecting selective descrambling of an arbitrary subset of channels in a channel group. The system provides for a closed loop injection signal phasor control so as to maintain substantially constant relationship between the television signals and the injected signals. The combined signals are supplied to subscribers enabling the use of their cable ready equipment.

Publication Date
July 4, 1995
Citation Information
Ron D Katznelson. "Multichannel Television Signal Scrambling And Descrambling System And Method" U.S. Pat. No. 5,430,799 (1995)
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