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On the volatility and production mechanisms of newly formed nitrate and water soluble organic aerosol in Mexico City
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2008)
  • C. J. Hennigan
  • A. P. Sullivan
  • C. I. Fountoukis
  • A. Nenes
  • A. Hecobian
  • O. Vargas
  • Richard E. Peltier, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • A. T. Case Hanks
  • L. G. Huey
  • B. L. Lefer

Measurements of atmospheric gases and fine par- ticle chemistry were made in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) at a site ∼ 30 km down wind of the city cen- ter. Ammonium nitrate (NH 4 NO 3 ) dominated the inorganic aerosol fraction and showed a distinct diurnal signature char- acterized by rapid morning production and a rapid mid-day concentration decrease. Between the hours of 08:00–12:45, particulate water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) concentra- tions increased and decreased in a manner consistent with that of NO − 3 , and the two were highly correlated ( R 2 =0.88) during this time. A box model was used to analyze these be- haviors and showed that, for both NO − 3 and WSOC, the con- centration increase was caused primarily ( ∼ 75–85%) by sec- ondary formation, with a smaller contribution ( ∼ 15–25%) from the entrainment of air from the free troposphere. For NO − 3 , a majority ( ∼ 60%) of the midday concentration de- crease was caused by dilution from boundary layer expan- sion, though a significant fraction ( ∼ 40%) of the NO − 3 loss was due to particle evaporation. The WSOC concen- tration decrease was due largely to dilution ( ∼ 75%), but volatilization did have a meaningful impact ( ∼ 25%) on the decrease, as well. The results provide an estimate of ambient SOA evaporation losses and suggest that a significant frac- tion ( ∼ 35%) of the fresh MCMA secondary organic aerosol (SOA) measured at the surface volatilized.

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Citation Information
C. J. Hennigan, A. P. Sullivan, C. I. Fountoukis, A. Nenes, et al.. "On the volatility and production mechanisms of newly formed nitrate and water soluble organic aerosol in Mexico City" Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Vol. 8 (2008)
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