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Abjection and the Cinematic Cholo: The Chicano Gang Stereotype in Sociohistoric Context
Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies (2011)
  • Richard Mora, Occidental College
In this brief research note, the author uses a sociohistoric lens to examine selected films that have employed the cholo, or Chicano gang member, stereotype. He finds that the cholo is a prevalent archetype of Mexican and Mexican American youth. The author argues that the depiction of the cholo as a hypermasculine, abject personage threatening the social order converges with how actual Latino youth are constructed in sociopolitical and media discourses-as both marginalized young men and migrants unworthy of membership in U.S. society.
Publication Date
Fall October, 2011
Citation Information
Richard Mora. "Abjection and the Cinematic Cholo: The Chicano Gang Stereotype in Sociohistoric Context" Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies Vol. 5 Iss. 2 (2011)
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