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Response of Africanized and European Honey Bees to Lactose in Sucrose Syrup
Bee Science (1991)
  • H. Allen Sylvester, United States Department of Agriculture
  • Richard L Hellmich, II, United States Department of Agriculture
  • Anita M. Collins, United States Department of Agriculture

Application of biotechnology to control Africanized honey bees may be possible by genetically engineering domestic honey bee stocks to be resistant to some agent which is toxic or debilitating to Africanized bees. The agent could then be made available to forages in an area, and susceptible wild colonies, including Africanized honey bees, would be controlled.

Publication Date
January, 1991
Publisher Statement
Works produced by employees of the U.S. Government as part of their official duties are not copyrighted within the U.S. The content of this document is not copyrighted.
Citation Information
H. Allen Sylvester, Richard L Hellmich and Anita M. Collins. "Response of Africanized and European Honey Bees to Lactose in Sucrose Syrup" Bee Science Vol. 1 Iss. 2 (1991)
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