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Relationship Between Different Amounts of Brood and the Collection and Use of Pollen by the Honey Bee (Apis Mellifera)
Apidologie (1986)
  • Richard L Hellmich, II, United States Department of Agriculture
  • Walter C. Rothenbuhler, Ohio State University

Observation colonies each with approximately 1000 bees were given three levels of brood (0, 100 and 400 cells). Foraging was restricted to artificial sources in flight cages. Collection, storage and use of pollen increased with brood level. Eggs and larvae stimulated pollen foraging, and larvae, particularly older larvae, stimulated pollen use.

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Works produced by employees of the U.S. Government as part of their official duties are not copyrighted within the U.S. The content of this document is not copyrighted.
Citation Information
Richard L Hellmich and Walter C. Rothenbuhler. "Relationship Between Different Amounts of Brood and the Collection and Use of Pollen by the Honey Bee (Apis Mellifera)" Apidologie Vol. 17 Iss. 1 (1986)
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