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Randomized Comparison of Two Internet-Supported Natural Family Planning Methods (Final Efficacy Results)
Randomized Comparison of Two Internet-Supported Methods of Natural Family Planning
  • Richard J. Fehring, Marquette University
Grant Title
Randomized Comparison of Two Internet-Supported Natural Family Planning Methods
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Publication Date

Both Internet provided NFP methods were effective with correct use but the electronic hormonal monitoring method was statistically better with a typical use of only 7 unintended pregnancies per 100 women over 12 months of use compared with 19 with the traditional cervical mucus monitoring method.

Satisfaction of using the hormonal method increased over time but motivation decreased, i.e., they had a desire to achieve a pregnancy.

A high discontinuation rate contributed to the limitation of the study.

However, this Internet based method of providing NFP with professional support is efficient and effective for select motivated couples.

Document Rights and Citation of Original

Presented version. Presented at the 2012 OPA Research Grantee Meeting, September 20-21, North Bethesda, MD, 2012. © 2012 The author.

Citation Information
Richard J. Fehring. "Randomized Comparison of Two Internet-Supported Natural Family Planning Methods (Final Efficacy Results)" (2012)
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