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Pushing the Institutional Repository to a New Level: Potential Benefits of Metadata Only Records
Kansas Library Association, College and University Libraries Section (CULS) Spring Conference (2017)
  • Rebel Cummings-Sauls
  • Ryan Otto
Librarians at Kansas State University Libraries recognized a need to document and showcase a more complete view of the digital scholarship of an institution’s faculty, staff, and students; giving us the ability to elevate the academic research and creative output being produced by our community. This need has been recognized, but not yet addressed by many universities. The mission of an institutional repository (IR) is to collect, preserve, and make accessible the publications and other scholarly work of departments, programs, faculty, staff, and students. Expanding on our existing IR workflow to include metadata only records we can better meet this recognized need while still meeting the mission of the IR. Presenters for this session will compare the two workflows, present survey findings from the campus community, and discuss the next steps.
Publication Date
May 4, 2017
Lawrence, KS
Citation Information
Rebel Cummings-Sauls and Ryan Otto. "Pushing the Institutional Repository to a New Level: Potential Benefits of Metadata Only Records" Kansas Library Association, College and University Libraries Section (CULS) Spring Conference (2017)
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