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One School: Preparing school counselors to assess for cultural competence
Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (AACE) (2012)
  • Rebecca L Tadlock-Marlo, Eastern Illinois University
Results from an in-depth quantitative analysis provide insight into redefining and assessing multicultural competencies specific to school counselors. Foci include new counseling competencies, an instrument that is both valid and reliable is assessing the competencies, and implications for both counselors and counselor educators. Attendees will explore aspects of assessing multicultural competencies, use for outcome data analysis, and its implications for the field.
  • Multicultural competence,
  • school counseling
Publication Date
Fall 2012
Citation Information
Rebecca L Tadlock-Marlo. "One School: Preparing school counselors to assess for cultural competence" Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (AACE) (2012)
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