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“Service Animals in the Libraries: Developing Best Practices for Multiple Service Points.”
First Tuesdays Series, Washington State Library (2015)
  • Rebecca M. Marrall

Responding to patron concerns about an animal in the library can be a difficult scenario for library professionals. But what if the animal in question is a service animal? How do library professionals best respond to patron concerns while respecting the rights of an individual with a disability and their service animal? This webinar will provide an overview of how Western Washington University Libraries developed a Best Practices document for its personnel in order to consistently address concerns about service animals—including tailored recommendations for specific service points. Upon completion of this webinar, attendees will have new knowledge, and some resources, to begin this conversation within their own library.

Publication Date
Summer July 7, 2015
Citation Information
Rebecca M. Marrall. "“Service Animals in the Libraries: Developing Best Practices for Multiple Service Points.”" First Tuesdays Series, Washington State Library (2015)
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