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AIDS Epidemiology: A Quantitative Approach
  • Ron Brookmeyer, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Mitchell H Gail

This comprehensive work confronts the problems that are unique to AIDS research and unites them under a single conceptual framework. It focuses on methods for the design and analysis of epidemiologic studies, the natural history of AIDS and the transmission of HIV, methods for tracking and projecting the course of the epidemic, and statistical issues in therapeutic trials. The various methods of monitoring and forecasting this disease receive comprehensive treatment. These methods include back-calculation, which the authors developed; interpretation of survey data on HIV prevalence; mathematical models for HIV transmission; and approaches that combine different types of epidemiological data. Much of this material -- such as a discussion of methods for assessing safety of the blood supply, an evaluation of survey approaches, and methods to project pediatric AIDS incidence -- is not available in any other work (376 pages).

Publication Date
December, 1994
Oxford University Press
Citation Information
Ron Brookmeyer and Mitchell H Gail. AIDS Epidemiology: A Quantitative Approach. (1994)
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