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Secular Climatic Fluctuations In Southwestern Colorado
Monthly Weather Review (1973)
  • Raymond S Bradley, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Roger G. Barry
Precipitation and temperature data since records began in southwestern Colorado arc analyzed on a seasonal basis. Interstation correlations for recent years indicate that the region responds fairly uniformly to seasonal variations in precipitation, but this was not true earlier this century when precipitation variability was higher. Changes in the dependence of precipitation on elevation are also shown. Annual precipitation totals were low about 1860, 1900, 1930-35 and 1950-55. Mean annual temperatures appear to have fallen from about 1867 to about 1930 when the trend reversed. Overall, the climate of southwestern Colorado in the 1860s appears to have been warmer and at least as dry as current normals.
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Citation Information
Raymond S Bradley and Roger G. Barry. "Secular Climatic Fluctuations In Southwestern Colorado" Monthly Weather Review Vol. 101 Iss. 3 (1973)
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