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A Workable Moral Strategy for Achieving and Preserving World Peace: A Strategy That Can Create Over 500,000 American Jobs
  • Raymond G Wilson, Illinois Wesleyan University
Proposed here is a workable moral strategy that would solve many problems the world faces, including the war problem. This strategy is a comprehensive alternative approach to the most pressing domestic and foreign priorities of the world's nations. It is an alternative that creates advantages for the working people of the world and at the same time provides advantages to the social, industrial, financial, and defense complexes of world nations, and it does so without “damaging” such complexes.
  • Peace building,
  • Peaceful change (International relations),
  • International economic relations
Publication Date
Spring March 27, 2012
Raymond G Wilson
Publisher Statement
A Workable Moral Strategy for Achieving and Preserving World Peace was published by the author. For purchase information see Click here for Ames Library catalog information.
Citation Information
Raymond G Wilson. A Workable Moral Strategy for Achieving and Preserving World Peace: A Strategy That Can Create Over 500,000 American Jobs. (2012)
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