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About Ray Peck (retired)

Ray Peck joined ACER in 2002 and was a Senior Research Fellow. Before joining ACER he worked as a teacher for more than 20 years. Ray has an interest in teacher professional development and was involved in the development of the Australian Mathematics Standards for Excellence Project (AAMT/Monash) both as a teacher Focus Group member and as a co-opted member of the National Project Team. He has conducted related professional learning for teachers, evaluated school programmes and is a past president of the Mathematical Association of Victoria, a teacher professional association.
In his work at ACER, Ray was been involved in national and international research studies involving teacher knowledge and effectiveness, curriculum evaluation and student achievement in mathematics and financial literacy. He has led test development for two international studies, one assessing teacher knowledge for the IEA, another assessing the financial literacy knowledge of 15-year olds for the OECD.
Ray is interested in ways to make assessments more authentic, more engaging for students and more useful for teachers. He oversaw the development of 'An Even Start', a diagnostic online assessment tool with teacher advice, for students who are below benchmark in years 3 to 9. He was always excited by the possibilities for differentiated instruction offered by blended learning.


Present BSc, DipEd Melb, BSpecEd Monash, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
2002 - 2022 Senior Research Fellow, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Assessment and Reporting: Mathematics and Science, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

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Refereed Articles (2)

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