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Fast Super-resolution with Affine Motion Using an Adaptive Wiener Filter and Its Application to Airborne Imaging
Optics Express
  • Russell C. Hardie, University of Dayton
  • Kenneth J. Barnard, Air Force Wright Laboratory
  • Raúl Ordóñez, University of Dayton
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Fast nonuniform interpolation based super-resolution (SR) has traditionally been limited to applications with translational interframe motion. This is in part because such methods are based on an underlying assumption that the warping and blurring components in the observation model commute. For translational motion this is the case, but it is not true in general. This presents a problem for applications such as airborne imaging where translation may be insufficient. Here we present a new Fourier domain analysis to show that, for many image systems, an affine warping model with limited zoom and shear approximately commutes with the point spread function when diffraction effects are modeled. Based on this important result, we present a new fast adaptive Wiener filter (AWF) SR algorithm for non-translational motion and study its performance with affine motion. The fast AWF SR method employs a new smart observation window that allows us to precompute all the needed filter weights for any type of motion without sacrificing much of the full performance of the AWF. We evaluate the proposed algorithm using simulated data and real infrared airborne imagery that contains a thermal resolution target allowing for objective resolution analysis.

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OSA: The Optical Society
Peer Reviewed
Citation Information
Russell C. Hardie, Kenneth J. Barnard and Raúl Ordóñez. "Fast Super-resolution with Affine Motion Using an Adaptive Wiener Filter and Its Application to Airborne Imaging" Optics Express Vol. 19 Iss. 27 (2011)
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