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An Assessment of the Impact that Participation in Local Climate Networks has on Cities’ Implementation of Climate, Energy, and Transportation Policies
Review of Policy Research (2012)
  • Rachel M. Krause, University of Texas at El Paso

Much of the attention surrounding local climate protection in the United States is associated with two networks: ICLEI’s Cities for Climate Protection and the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Climate Protection Agreement (MCPA). However, the impact of these networks on member-city actions has not been clearly established. This paper examines whether, and to what extent, participation in climate networks leads to the implementation of GHG-reducing policies, above and beyond what would have been done in their absence. To account for the possibility that cities which join climate networks are systematically different from those that do not and control for self-selection induced bias, three statistical techniques – PSM, Heckman FIML, and instrumental variables – are employed to estimate the “treatment effect” of participation. Results suggest that impact is network specific: ICLEI membership causes small to moderate increases in cities’ GHG-relevant activity, whereas, the MCPA has no such effect. The characteristics of each network are evaluated in light of these findings.

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Citation Information
Krause, Rachel M. (forthcoming) "An Assessment of the Impact that Participation in Local Climate Networks has on Cities’ Implementation of Climate, Energy, and Transportation Policies." Review of Policy Research.