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A Meta-analysis on Involvement in Learning Outcomes across On-Ground, Online, and Hybrid Classroom Settings
Western Psychological Association (2015)
  • An H. Dang, Concordia University - Portland
  • Hannah L. Smith, Concordia University - Portland
  • R. M. Mueller, Concordia University - Portland
In this meta-analysis we investigate the influence of psychological sense of community (PSOC) on post-secondary students’ outcomes. When comparing the OG and FO settings, the Hedges’s g of .343 (p = .003) indicated that on-ground courses have a moderate, positive effect on student involvement in learning outcomes when measured by CCS than those in fully online courses. The When comparing the OG and Hy settings, there was no significant difference between students in these groups with regard to self-reported student involvement in learning [Hedges’s g = .164, p = .362)].
Publication Date
Spring 2015
Las Vegas Nevada
Citation Information
An H. Dang, Hannah L. Smith and R. M. Mueller. "A Meta-analysis on Involvement in Learning Outcomes across On-Ground, Online, and Hybrid Classroom Settings" Western Psychological Association (2015)
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