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Human Health Effects Assays
Journal Water Pollution Control Federation
  • Ronald C. Sims, Utah State University
  • J. L. Sims
  • R. R. Dupont
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Discussion of the exponential increase in environmental toxicological information and an approach for organizing and using the information was presented by Lu and Wassom.1 A user's guide to the Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS) was published by NIOSH2 that defines the record layouts and describes the types of data contained in the computer tape version of the 1984 Edition of the RTECS.3 A text summarizing information on approximately 800 toxic chemicals was edited by Sittig.4 Milestone publications concerning fundamentals of toxicology with environmental applications included the works of Gentile,5 Ashby,6 Mortel mans,7 Thacker,8 and Ruppert.9 Brusick and Auletta10 discussed the developmental status of bioassays in genetic toxicology reviewed by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Gene-Tox Work Groups.


Reprinted with permission from Water Environment Research Journal, Copyright ©1982-1988, Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, Virginia, These papers may be downloaded for personal uses only. Any other use requires prior permission of the Water Environment Federation.

Citation Information
Ronald C. Sims, J. L. Sims and R. R. Dupont. "Human Health Effects Assays" Journal Water Pollution Control Federation Vol. 58 (1986)
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