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EdNA's World: Searching, Streaming & Sharing DigITal curriculum
The DigITal world today and tomorrow, Victorian Information Technology Teachers Association Conference (VITTA) (2005)
  • Pru Mitchell
A hands-on workshop demonstrating curriculum applications integrating three key functions of Education Network Australia (EdNA) Online. Teachers used EdNA Search to locate selected, safe digital resources for use in online curriculum modules or learning quests. EdNA RSS feeds delivered news and new resources to the desktop, intranet, learning management system or website. Teachers shared ideas and resources, and worked with others to develop collaborative curriculum support materials using EdNA Groups.   
  • Learning communities,
  • Online systems
Publication Date
November 23, 2005
Melbourne, Victoria
Citation Information
Pru Mitchell. "EdNA's World: Searching, Streaming & Sharing DigITal curriculum" The DigITal world today and tomorrow, Victorian Information Technology Teachers Association Conference (VITTA) (2005)
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