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A Network Implementation Class Exercise: BusinessQuest Business Incubator, LLC
Journal of Information Systems Education
  • Priscilla Arling, Butler University
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One way to bring concepts to life in an introductory data networks course is for students to physically build a network that addresses a real business problem. However it can be challenging to find a suitable business problem, particularly if the network can exist only during the class period. This case presents a realistic business scenario and network implementation exercise that can be completed in one or two class periods in any classroom with Internet access. The objective of the exercise is for students to solve a business problem by applying concepts related to basic network configuration, local area networks and IP addressing. This is accomplished by setting up a small local area network in a classroom using computers, cabling, routers, and switches. Students are also required to implement the software changes needed for the network to have access to the Internet. The business client is an entrepreneurial incubator company called BusinessQuest. Students must work with their own team members as well as other teams to meet the business needs, and must document adherence to established policies and standards.


This article was archived with permission from Journal of Information Systems Education, all rights reserved. Document also available from JISE, Volume 20(1).

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Citation Information
Priscilla Arling. "A Network Implementation Class Exercise: BusinessQuest Business Incubator, LLC" Journal of Information Systems Education Vol. 20 Iss. 1 (2009)
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