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Do Consumers with Green Lifestyles Appreciate Green Attitudes of Low Involvement Products?
Proceedings of the Marketing Management Association Conference (2010)
  • B. Florenthal
  • Priscilla Arling, Butler University
Green products have become popular and have been targeted toward consumers that lead a green lifestyle. Still,
some green products are assumed to be more appealing to this group than others, sometimes based on level of involvement. This study tests a low involvement green product in terms of being appealing to consumers with green lifestyle. Calendars are considered low involvement products. Though calendar purchases are considered impulse buys, recently consumers have looked more for calendars that reflect their personal preferences. Consumers, particularly those with families, typically use more than one calendar (average of 2.5 per person) to satisfy their diverse needs.
Publication Date
March 24, 2010
Citation Information
B. Florenthal and Priscilla Arling. "Do Consumers with Green Lifestyles Appreciate Green Attitudes of Low Involvement Products?" Proceedings of the Marketing Management Association Conference (2010)
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