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Henry James: Seeing A Life Through Biography, Letters, And Fiction
Chronicle of Higher Education (2004)
  • Pierre A Walker
Film directors, opera composers, playwrights, and choreographers have long been drawn to adapting Henry James's fiction. In recent decades, fiction writers from Carlos Fuentes to Joyce Carol Oates to Hilary Bailey to Alan Hollinghurst have reset such stories of James's as The Aspern Papers, The Turn of the Screw, and "The Pupil." But this year, Colm Tóibín, in The Master, and David Lodge, in Author, Author, have both taken the unusual step of making Henry James the central character in full-length psychological novels. Partly because of the coincidence of these two authors' working simultaneously on similar projects, but also because of the renown of Lodge, Tóibín, and James, The Master and Author, Author have received considerable attention.
Publication Date
November, 2004
Citation Information
Pierre A Walker. "Henry James: Seeing A Life Through Biography, Letters, And Fiction" Chronicle of Higher Education Vol. 51 Iss. 12 (2004) p. B11 - B13 ISSN: 0009-5982
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