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Racial Protest, Identity, Words And Form In Maya Angelou's "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings"
College Literature (1995)
  • Pierre A Walker
There is difficulty in critically reading African American literature as apolitical text; all create a political impact whether this is the initial and conscious motive or not. Maya Angelou's autobiography is one such case. Though written in response to an aesthetic challenge - that an autobiography cannot be written as literature (from the Formalist/New Critics point of view) - Angelou's organic unity became a vehicle for her political protest. A critical reading shows how she was able to achieve this.
Publication Date
October, 1995
Citation Information
Pierre A Walker. "Racial Protest, Identity, Words And Form In Maya Angelou's "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings"" College Literature Vol. 22 Iss. 3 (1995) p. 91 - 109 ISSN: 0093-3139
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