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Muchos Mentores en Iowa: The Pedagogy of Student to Student Mentoring in Information Literacy
LOEX Conference Proceedings 2011
  • Julia Bauder, Grinnell College
  • Beth Bohstedt, Grinnell College
  • Phillip Jones, Grinnell College
Document Type
Powerful Pedagogy: Teaching Techniques that Work
Publication Date

At Grinnell College we believe that students can be the best teachers and that lasting learning also happens outside of the classroom. The Grinnell College Libraries' peer mentoring program is rooted in these beliefs. Our program has two components: advanced research help provided by reference assistants (RAs) at the reference desk; and basic information service provided by all students working at our public service desks. Throughout this presentation, attendees will be challenged to consider if peer information service is appropriate for their libraries and to articulate initial steps to explore and implement such a service.

Citation Information
Julia Bauder, Beth Bohstedt and Phillip Jones. "Muchos Mentores en Iowa: The Pedagogy of Student to Student Mentoring in Information Literacy" (2013)
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