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The selection of cases for culturally comparative psychological research.
Cross-cultural research methods in psychology. (2010)
  • Petra Lietz, Australian Council for Educational Research
Sampling is at the core of data collection, and a plethora of techniques and procedures have been described in the literature. Opinion polls and social science surveying are at the forefront of research and practical applications in this context. Despite a multitude of handbook articles and much rarer textbook chapters the lege artis sampling of participants of psychological research remains a neglected topic. Amongst psychologists, common sense convictions about the importance of the sampling topic range from implicitly declaring the question irrelevant for the discipline to accepting as sound science only studies that employ a rigid probability sampling approach.
Publication Date
October, 2010
Matsumoto, D., & Van de Vijver, F.J.R.
Cambridge University Press
Citation Information
Petra Lietz. "The selection of cases for culturally comparative psychological research." CambridgeCross-cultural research methods in psychology. (2010)
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