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Understanding adsorption and desorption processes in mesoporous materials with independent disordered channels
Physical Review E (2009)
  • Peter A Monson, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Sergej Naumov
  • Rustem Valiullin
  • Jörg Kärger
Using a lattice-gas model in mean-field theory, we discuss the problem of how adsorption and desorption of fluids in independent cylinderlike pores is influenced by variations in the pore diameter along the length of the pore, surface roughness of the pore walls, and chemical heterogeneity. We also consider the impact of contact with the bulk phase via the pore opening and the possibility of interactions between neighboring pores via a liquid film on the external surface of the material. We find that a combination of pore size variation along the length of the pore and surface roughness yields sorption hysteresis similar to that found in systems with three-dimensional disordered pore networks such as porous glasses. Our results are especially relevant to adsorption and desorption in porous silicon materials with independent linear pores and apparently anomalous features of the behavior in these systems can be accounted for within the context of the present model.
Publication Date
September, 2009
Publisher Statement
DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.80.031607 Copyright 2009 by The American Physical Society.
Citation Information
Peter A Monson, Sergej Naumov, Rustem Valiullin and Jörg Kärger. "Understanding adsorption and desorption processes in mesoporous materials with independent disordered channels" Physical Review E Vol. 80 Iss. 3 (2009)
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